My fellow PMC (Pinay Mommies Community) Levy is currently holding a blog contest. You may win a total of $500 worth of cash and prizes.
3rd Prize: $50 worth of blog makeover from
Consolation Prizes:
Only BLOGGERS with at least 3 months old blogs and with a PR0 and above blogs can WIN the prizes stated above. BUT non-bloggers and newbie bloggers can join too.
For the full mechanics of the contest kindly click the image above.
The Sponsors
Designers Depot * LEVYousa * One Day Graphics * Wahmaholic Blog Designs
It’s all about me * My Tots Exactly * My Tummy Calls * Foodies Galore * One Proud Momma * Earn Dollars Pinoy * Samut Sari * Pink Memoirs * Hands Full of Life * Gen walks * Pop Ups My Mind * Treat your Palate * Lovingly Mama * Flakes and Nuts * The Life Encounters * The Food Encounters * A Woman’s World * Life is a Choice * Love home grow Garden * Jolly Toes * Seasons and Seasonings * Milestones and Marvelings * 2Homes 2Moms * Musings of a retired economist * Prudent Lifestyle * Prudent Sahm and Cooking * Orange Hut * Aphrodite: My so called Life! * Philippine Travel Promos * Mommy Lessons * Real men wear Aprons * Travel Monologue * Shopaholic Geek * Home Ramblings * Pink Nimble * What the Fat? * Mrs. Shoppiness * Journal of RJ’s Mama * My baby RJ * Wonderfully Fabulous * Shygirl’s Own * Life of a Filipina Blogger * Newbie Momma * Momma wannabe Finally * Home and Family living * Health and Beauty Diva * Online Chikadora * Pictures and Cultures * Sweet as Candy * Brown Pinay * My Point of View * My Green living ideas
Family and Home living * Mommy Diary * Sweety Paula* Mumwrites * Jareds Little Corner * Food.Fashion and Beauty * Mommy Survival Guide * Music, Movies, Stars, etc. * Bloggityboop

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