Before I was very curious how bloggers earn money through blogging and now I understand. The most important thing that I have done is to create a blog which I started last March 2010 and in a span of three months I was happy to get good results. Actually blogging is not the easy way to earn money if the user is not active and not taking a broad scope in different ways to earn money. Currently, I have tried a first earning opportunity for my blog by creating a blog entry at blogvertise. I was able to get $20 as my first earnings from blogvertise after a month which I also posted here. Since I have a regular devoted online job which I spent most of my times before doing extra activities online like blogging and updating my website, I only choose certain opportunities that I can handle to have an extra additional income.
Simple Ways to start earning money from Blog:
- Create a blog based from your own interest. Be sure to create a blog title and category that you are really interested in so you can create many post or topics in your blog.
- Always create a blog post at least three times a week or it would be best if you can create a post daily so your blog will always be updated good points for page rank.
- When you create a blog post, it would be best to create an update or continuation of the blog post that you recently created and link the new post to the older post.
- Page rank and traffic rank is very important for earning opportunities in a blog so better always update your blog.
- You should create an account with paypal because most earning opportunities require paypal account for payment transactions.
- When you have established a good traffic approximately after a month, you may apply as a publisher in some advertisements and there you may earn depending on the terms of the company.
- After three months, possibly you may get a page rank and if you have a page rank you may apply for some paid reviews and other earning opportunities online.
- Lastly, you may earn from your blog by joining Blog contest. Always wish for your luck.
These are only some of my simple ways on how I started earning from my blog since I do this as an extra activity online. The more time you spent on the internet, the bigger earning potentials you may have online.