Tag Archives: Blogging tools

10 Blogging Essential Tools in Blogger and WordPress

Blogging could be a form of your hobby, writing your sentiments about the adversity of the world, sharing your bliss while travelling, telling your readers how delectable the food you’ve just tasted and etc. However, blogging could not be that entertaining without commentators, and readers. So there are tools that can help us to share our thoughts with the world and to know our blog statistics through the following:

1. Social Media Plugins – one way of increasing your blog traffic. Aside from Facebook and Twitter, there are other social networking sites that can be integrated in your weblog so that readers can also share what they have learned to their friends. You can choose 25 social media plugins at http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/02/22/25-social-media-plugins-wordpress/. Continue reading

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