Category Archives: Finance/ Business

Family security with trusted law firms

Family security is very important. How can we say that our family is secured? Good job, great compensation, comfortable shelter, enough budget to provide for the family, insurance – these are the usual keys that we can say that our family is secured. Continue reading

Ways of Selling Online

Living in a world of advances, everybody seems taking an advantage and Christmas is fast approaching, more and more people are searching ways to have extra income – freelance writing, catering, assisting. However, with today’s technology, people get engaged in making money online! Continue reading

Purpose of a Small Business Credit

To have personal debts seem a bad record as an individual but as a businessman, it becomes necessary to the business. There are types of business credits – that could be a business credit card, business credit line, or business loans. Why do you think it is a must to have credits?

  1. A business may need to use credit cards to have credit records especially for new businesses. The creditors become comfortable with the company status because it signifies that a company has a high credit rating. Continue reading

IBM Cognos Express Advisor for Perfect Business Solutions

There were times when the businesses were run on the simple two fold elements – Production and consumption. There was nothing in between. There was a manufacturer who produced depending upon the fixed demand in the market, used to take the product to the consumers and it was all sold out. The simple cycle of ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ prevailed. But as I said in the beginning – “there were times”. It is the concept of the past. Today, lot more goes into running a business. From budgeting to manufacturing and from analyzing to actual sales, there is a different ball game at play.

And it these times of technological advancement, the technology itself has given birth to some simple technical solutions to the problems faced in any business organization. IBM’s ‘Cognos express Advisor’ is the program (application) that gives the businesses the first hand and effective solutions in the Analysis & Visualization sphere. The program delivers the most productive and reliable business analytics for the small to medium sized business that can help them not only sustain in the modern time’s complex market scenario but also grow as they treat in the future.

This program would guide you through the emerging trends in the market and will help you find answers to the most concerning questions related to business like ‘which are the profitable products and what made them profitable?’; ‘who are the potential customers for my product’; ‘how’s my customer service?’; and more. The Cognos Express advisor is designed to offer solutions to such major questions affecting any running business. It carefully analysis the available complex data and then offers highly-productive business insights derived from spectacular visualization.

Interactive visuals in the program offer a solid platform for exploring the new data and customizing the existing one towards better business intelligence and helping in growth of the organization. The user can have the access to source of the data as well as can make the required changes by clicking on the image and drill top to bottom. Web-based dashboards and interactive reports are used to spread the business insights throughout the organization and also encourage more adoption by the users.

Cognos Express Advisor connects to the operational data sources by using the in-memory (embedded) analytics and creates a view of the business that is multi-dimensional in nature so that you don’t leave any crucial aspect of your business along the way. It enables the users to analyze the key elements like products or business channels and thereafter compare them taking the factors like customers, regions and time into consideration.

A single data can be represented with different angles on the same dashboard or screen, each giving a productive interactive insight of the critically examined business information.

The Cognos Express Advisor program is one of the integrated planning and BI solutions that have been tailor made for midsize companies.

Author Bio – the author is running a privately owned budgeting and planning consultancy firm and caters consultancy service to small and midsize companies. For more information on Cognos Express, he recommends the readers to visit

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