Tag Archives: birthday giveway

Jes is 30 birthday party giveaway

Question:What is your memorable birthday experience and How did you celebrate it?

Answer: My memorable birthday experience is my 18th birthday. We celebrated it at home. It is not as luxurious compared to the usual debut but it was remarkable because I truly felt the presence of my whole family, friends and loved ones. When I celebrated my 18th birthday more than twelve years ago, I have three wishes and it all came true. That makes it super memorable for me. So what are my three birthday wishes? First, I wish that may I and my siblings finish all our studies. Secondly, I wish for the good health of my family and peace. Lastly, I wish to meet my soul mate. My three wishes came true and surprisingly, after that wish I met my soul mate, my first boyfriend who is now my husband.

Happy Birthday Mommy Jes!

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$800 Birthday Giveaway Contest of Pinay WAHMs

Woot woot! I can now join blog contest. Although I still have many things to do, I can now take some time updating what I missed in blogging. One of the things I missed is joining blog contest. My fellow  three Pinay WAHM’s will be celebrating their birthday this July. They combined their birthday blog contest into one and it makes major majors prizes. So, what are the prizes to be won? Exciting! Isn’t it? Continue reading

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