Tag Archives: Camote Tops Juice for Dengue

Dengue Fever Symptoms and A Best Help Treatment

I created this post to share what I have learned and observed when dengue fever strikes my cousin. I also shared a post entitled A Visit at San Lazaro Hospital in Manila where I tackled my experience about my visit at that hospital.

What is Dengue?

Dengue is considered one of the dangerous tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. It is also know as breakbone fever wherein the disease may progresses to life-threatening complications.

What causes Dengue Fever?

Dengue is usually transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and rarely Aedes albopictus. The virus exists in four different types, and an infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. There is currently no available vaccine, but measures to reduce the habitat and the number of mosquitoes, and limiting exposure to bites, are used to decrease the incidence of dengue.

Dengue Fever Symptoms

  • Sudden and abrupt onset.
  • Temperature may go up to 39, 39.5 as high as 40 degree Celsius.
  • Fever lasts for a couple of days 1-7 days then fades away 1-2 days.
  • Chills, headache, severe muscle and joint pains.
  • Lastly, you will noticed red and white patchy rashes on the skin.
  • Other signs of dengue fever include bleeding gums, severe pain behind the eyes, and red palms and soles.

Dengue Severe Form of Illness/ Complications

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (which may lead to severe hemorrhage) and Dengue shock syndrome (where a very low blood pressure can cause organ dysfunction).

What to do when you experience the symptoms of Dengue Fever?

Consult your doctor and request for a referral for a CBC (Complete Blood Count) with APC test then go to the nearest Medical Laboratory for that test. Take the laboratory result to your doctor to read, interpret the results and they will recommend the best things on what to do next.

Normal Platelet Count

Adult – about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.

Children – consult your pediatrician.

A Best Help Natural Treatment for a Dengue Patient

  • Camote Tops Juice (Talbos ng Kamote Juice) with Orange and Calamansi – When my cousin was confined at the hospital because of the dengue fever, on the third dayI prepare 2 Liters of Camote Tops juice with Orange and Calamansi squeeze. Her platelet count on the second day is 51,000 then after drinking the Camote tops juice on the third day, her platelet count became 103,000. With continued Camote Tops Juice drinking, her platelet count became normal on the fourth day then on the fifth day, she was happily released from the hospital. Aside from the Camote Tops Juice, I also advice my cousin to eat watermelon during those times when she was confined.
  • Above all, the greatest treatment to any kind of sickness is a deep faith and prayers.

How to prevent Dengue/ Mosquito diseases?

  • We can prevent Dengue/ mosquito diseases by keeping our place clean and keeping away things or places where dengue mosquitoes breed. Dengue Mosquitoes breed in stored, exposed water collection systems like drums, barrels, pots, tank, discarded bottles and tires, and other places where water is stored.
  • Using a floor wax also possibly drives away mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Always replace water from the flower vase.
  • Keep  dirty clothes/ things away from where you mostly stay or sleep.
  • Use mosquito repellent lotion.
  • Keep your body healthy by eating healthy nutritious foods.
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