We are a family of singers. My aunts used to be a professional singer and they have performed to different countries. When we sing, it is very obvious that singing is our talent. My sisters and younger brother can sing well. According to my aunt, we should pursue our studies first before we enter into our singing career so we did.
Singing is only our hobby and there are times that we get extra compensation when we are invited in an event. Since my sisters and I now have our own family, my younger brother is the one who still pursuing for the love of music. He created a band wherein they perform to several events. This is his sideline job. They are performing live with the basic musical instruments such as the drums and the guitar.
My brother is in the lead vocals and he is also using chimes while singing. They use folding music stand for better performance and comfort. I watch their performances and I truly like their band. The choices of music are great. They have a good taste when it comes to music selection.

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