I have been seeing cute emoticons and smileys in facebook. I was not really into chatting in facebook but I wonder how these facebook emoticons and smileys appear on message or chat box. I did some research and I tried to apply some of the facebook emoticons and smileys. I tested the list of symbols of facebook emoticons by sending a message to myself using them. The photo below is the outcome.

facebook emoticons and smileys
The list of symbols for facebook emoticons and facebook smileys are as follow:
Smile 🙂 : -) or : ) or :] or =)
Frown 🙁 : -( or : ( or :[ or =(
Heart Kiss <3
Crying :'(
Tongue 😛 or 😛 or :-p or :p or =P
Grin 😀 or 😀 or =D
Gasp :-O or :O or 😮 or 😮
Wink 😉 or 😉
Glasses 😎 or 8) or B-) or B)
Sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
Grumpy >:( or >:-(
Uncertain :/ or :-/ or :\ or :-\
A devil 3:) or 3:-)
An Angel O:) or O:-)
Kiki ^_^
Man’s face :putnam:
Shark (^^^)
Penguin <(“)
Quint -_-
Confused o.O
Curly Lips :3
Upset >:O or >:-O or >:o or >:-o
Pacman :v :v
Robot face :|]
I will add this cute facebook emoticons for a change in my post in fb for a change.