10 Blogging Essential Tools in Blogger and WordPress

Blogging could be a form of your hobby, writing your sentiments about the adversity of the world, sharing your bliss while travelling, telling your readers how delectable the food you’ve just tasted and etc. However, blogging could not be that entertaining without commentators, and readers. So there are tools that can help us to share our thoughts with the world and to know our blog statistics through the following:

1. Social Media Plugins – one way of increasing your blog traffic. Aside from Facebook and Twitter, there are other social networking sites that can be integrated in your weblog so that readers can also share what they have learned to their friends. You can choose 25 social media plugins at http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/02/22/25-social-media-plugins-wordpress/.

2. Facebook Social Plugin – Want to feature your Facebook page in your website? Then Facebook Developers can do that for you!

3. Search Box – an important tool for your visitor to lessen inconvenience of searching manually through your archives or blogrolls.

4. All In One SEO Pack –  good feature of this plugin is that it sets the meta tags automatically and provides SEO integration.

5. WP Super Cache – this plugin helps your WordPress page to load faster. This is a very fast caching plugin for WordPress.

6. Live Traffic Feed – this widget lets you know who recently viewed your website plus you can get to know from where is their location.

7. Linkwithin – it is a widget  located under your main post that has related stories from your previous blog. It is mostly seen with the title, “You Might Also Like…” link at http://www.linkwithin.com/.

8. Subscribe Widget – it helps the reader to to know blog updates vie email or subscription.

9. Page Rank – it is a system by Google to know how useful your content page are.

10. Web Analytics – this is an analysis and the summary of reports where you can monitor the traffic of your website

These are just some of the basics that you as as a blogger need to know, especially for the beginners as this tools will help to increase your website traffic. Of course, keep your blog updated to set fire in the internet marketing industry!

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