Facebook Emoticons, Facebook smileys and symbols

I have been seeing cute emoticons and smileys in facebook. I was not really into chatting in facebook but I wonder how these facebook emoticons and smileys appear on message or chat box. I did some research and I tried to apply some of the facebook emoticons and smileys. I tested the list of symbols of facebook emoticons by sending a message to myself using them. The photo below is the outcome.

facebook emoticons and smileys

facebook emoticons and smileys

The list of symbols for facebook emoticons and facebook smileys are as follow:

Smile 🙂 : -) or : ) or :] or =)
Frown 🙁 : -( or : ( or :[ or =(
Heart Kiss <3
Crying :'(
Tongue 😛 or 😛 or :-p or :p or =P
Grin 😀 or 😀 or =D
Gasp :-O or :O or 😮 or 😮
Wink 😉 or 😉
Glasses 😎 or 8) or B-) or B)
Sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
Grumpy >:( or >:-(
Uncertain :/ or :-/ or :\ or :-\
A devil 3:) or 3:-)
An Angel O:) or O:-)
Kiki ^_^
Man’s face :putnam:
Shark (^^^)
Penguin <(“)
Quint -_-
Confused o.O
Curly Lips :3
Upset >:O or >:-O or >:o or >:-o
Pacman :v :v
Robot face :|]

I will add this cute facebook emoticons for a change in my post in fb for a change.

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