There are times that I encountered people asking me on how to earn extra money online. Some people also asked me how to have a work at home job. I have the same question in my mind way back year 2007.
I have to admit that it was not that easy to earn money online. At first I thought it was easy but when I tried it on the real online world I can say that it would still be depending on you. I was lucky way back year 2007 when I landed to a real work at home job. The compensation is Euro and I received my monthly income through wire transfer. Currently, I am still working at home in a different company but I keep my home-based job as private because it is highly confidential.
What I did to find a real work at home job? The answer is simple. I search work at home jobs on one of the biggest job site online like jobstreet or jobsdb. I have completed my online resume so when I applied the job opening there the employer will see my complete profile. There are different types of work at home, home-based jobs or online work. Mostly, work at home jobs are contractual or project basis but some companies may accept you to continuously work for them on a regular basis depending on your attitude and quality of your work . If you will apply online usually there is an online test so be serious and focus when you take the exam if you really wanted to get that job. I also discovered that following instruction is the major important thing to consider to be successful in working online.
I have already shared some of my experiences about working online with my other blogs. One of the step by step helpful article that I have created is Work at home online get started.
So, how to make money online? There are vast possibilities of how a person can earn money online. Some of the ways that I knew are through blogging, writing reviews and articles, joining in a paid to click advertisements, web designing, virtual assistant, customer support, email support, data entry, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and many to mention. Since I have a regular work at home job, I only tried some ways to earn extra money in my spare time.
I hope this post may help you if you are still confused with how to make money online.
Hint: I just recently tried to search for work at home from and I found some. Hope it may help you if you are looking for a real work at home job.
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