Joining Weekend Blog Follower Caravan – Who am I?

I really wanted to join the “Weekend Blog Follower Caravan” since it was first launched but I was not able to do that because weekend is a total family day for me and I can’t find extra time to post for it a few weeks ago.

Now, I am really joining. I drink a cup of coffee so I can work on my blogs longer hours tonight even though I have a whole day regular online job for tomorrow.


To introduce myself, I am supermommyjem. I choose that as my online avatar name because of my mind is shouting that name whenever I am in a situation being a super woman (LOL) that I can pass and carry all the task that I take especially being a mom.


I am a computer engineering graduate at a Manila Government School year 2003. I have worked in several companies before and decided to pursue a work at home job a year before I marry my husband. I am so thankful that I always passed the exams, interviews and I was accepted whenever I applied for a job so I always inspire others especially those with negative thoughts. I have written my simple inspiring story in my main blog.

I am a typical person with a loving responsible husband and currently with one little child.

I decided to prioritize my family over my career and to be a simple work at home mom because I believe that it is the best way that I can be a good mom. Although I am not that super updated with computer engineering fields, I supported my husband in his career as an I.T. Professional. Sometimes he shares his knowledge about it and vice versa I also shares the updates about web design and development which is my interest.

At first, my plan is to have a self-study about web design and development but later on decided to integrate wordpress to it. I tried to consult Mr. Macuha the SEO master and the blog owner of Make Money Online Philippines about my static website and I am so thankful that he advise me to turn my website into blogging.  My first very simple web design integrated into wordpress is Experience of a Super Mommy (weblog) but my main blog is Life’s Learning of a Filipino Work at Home Mommy. Online To The Fullest is my third blog which is all about my online adventures and everything to share about.

I turned one year old in blogging last March 5, 2011 for my main blog but I don’t have a pleasure to celebrate it. Blogging is my third task after focusing on my family and regular work at home. I seldom utilize my weekend in blogging because that is my precious family day.

There are times that I scheduled posts for the week on my blogs to keep it updated. I found out that there are really many great opportunities in blogging but it takes a lot of time and energy to earn a lot so I prefer to be in the median. I don’t want to put pressure in blogging so I just do it naturally. I speak and I write on a freeway (sometimes grammatically wrong) but sometimes I’m also checking my writing for the sake of the reader. I remember I was able to speak with one of the big boss and he said to me that when I write or speak it always comes from the heart and that’s a better communication.

I am always thankful, positive and little things makes me happy. I am the type of person that always choose to be contented to what we have. I believe in good karma and bad people are punishable maybe not here on Earth but in the judgement day.

Thanks for your time in reading my post. I hope you could follow me with my other blogs and I will follow your blogs in return.

Thanks to Mommy Rubz for the super power effort in making the Pinay Mommy Community together with Mommy Willa, Mommy Peh and Mommy Janet. Also for the Weekend Blog Follower Caravan and the bloggers exchange. I am really happy for this community.

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